Joshua's Funeral

2007 November 21

Created by Anna-Lizza 16 years ago
On November 21, 2007, the day before Thanksgiving and 2 days before our wedding anniversary, Jose and I buried our son. It was one of the hardest day of my life to see baby Joshua inside that little coffin. He looked so small, and yet so peaceful. On the day of baby Joshua's funeral, the kids each brought a toy to leave inside baby Joshua's coffin and on his grave. We also put a family picture of us with Joshua's picture cropped in. Our family will never be complete without him. While they lowered Joshua into the grave, our kids, together with their cousins, each released balloons with a message attached to it, to send to Joshua in heaven. All of our family, friends, and co-workers gave Joshua a rose before they covered his coffin. After everyone had given their rose to Joshua, a dear friend approached me and recited an Iris tradition...he gave me the last rose to keep with me and said that I should hold on this rose, and present it to Joshua when we meet in heaven. This brought tears to my eyes. I will never forget his special message to me. I keep this rose in Joshua's Keepsake box...anticipating the day when I will be with my son. It was a beautiful ceremony. One that I will always remember. I miss Joshua so much!
